Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Blog-iversary & Blog Candy! #5

Happy Wednesday! and you know what that's time for another papercrafting question!  My 2yr mark for blogging is this month! July 22nd, and I am giving away not 2, but 3 blog candies! To have your name entered in the drawing, just answer the weekly question and be a follower.  Easy Peasy!

Question:  What is your favorite embellishment, that usually ends up on your paper craft?

my answer:  I have an infinity towards ribbon and buttons.  (Even though flowers have been on almost everything I make.)  If I can find a way to add some trim and a button, its there!


Jennifer Rzasa said...

Haha, this question is easy for me! Embroidery floss!

Carly said...

hmmm only new to papercraft so I'm not sure I have a favourite. At the moment I would have to say glitter pens and glossy accents. These can hide little mistakes and 'pop' features on your cards.

B. Nguyen said...

I really love to use flowers! Love brads and buttons too!

Leanne said...

I love to use flowers usually handmade by me. At times I add ribbon.

KathR said...

I love both ribbons and lace, although don't use that latter as often as I'd like..hugs Kath...

Carol Parcell said...

Most of my cards have some ribbon. That is probably my favorite embellishment. Then comes buttons and brads.

Jeanne said...

For me it is ribbon and flowers... I tend to use a lot of buttons too but I love ribbon and flowers.... Great question btw!!!

Babe O'Mara said...

It's ribbon, absolutely. For me a card isn't complete without it.


Debby said...

Mine is either brads or gemstones. I learned how to make my own colored gems and am loving using them on pages and cards.
angel hugs

Virginia said...

For me it's sewing stitches. And buttons, and ribbon: ) Happy blog-iversary to you!!!! Love your posts. Your work is very inspiring : )