Look what I got! A wonderful lady gave me this award! To accept this award, I need to thank the person who gave me the award, Tammy @ Stamp with Tammy, to pass it along to 8 other folks I find have 'stylish' blogs, and to tell you 8 things about me that you may not know.
So, here are the 8 other blogs I find inspirational! (in no particular order)
1. Betsy - Paper, Scissors and Superheroes
2. Kristina - kwernerdesign blog
3. Melissa - LilyBean's Paperie
5. Sarita - Little Princess Cards
6. Sarah - sarahmartina
7. Lisa - lisascreativecorner
8. Maureen - buttonsandbling
Eight things about me that you may not know:
1. I actually worry about wrinkles.
2. I would love to live on an island, in the Pacific Ocean.
3. I hate working/living in cold weather.
4. I have a romantic notion for Paris, France.
5. I drive a Cadilac, that I really do love.
6. I work in a community hospital.
7. I know how to scuba dive.
8. I know how to snowboard.
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