Monday, May 6, 2013

Tea Room Winner

Monday.  What a day.  Work was jammed packed with duties.  But it all seems right as rain, today {smile}.  I went to the Shabby Tea Room to take a look at this week's challenge.  I need a bit of inspiration to create some paper crafts due for this week.  And, well, I was last week's winner! Yahoo!  It was a surprise and my heart filled with joy!  Joy, because it is always so wonderful to have other's like appreciate your work!  Just ask the ladies at the post office.  I mailed my Mother's Day card today in a clear envelope.  My mom just loves it when I do that!  She says that she can never wait to take a peek at what I created.
So, I will be adding a new badge to my sidebar {smile}.  And I'll be heading into my craft room to create some more cards for Mother's Day.  I always make a card for my dear girlfriends.  There are six of us.  We are all moms and we really do put our families first. 
Thank you for stopping by today.  Don't forget, Mother's Day is this Sunday, May 12th.  I hope that you have a special someone to share this day with.

~stop by Sunday, May 12th, for your chance to win some blog candy~

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